Type of action
Low-carbon end-use sectors in Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan |
Strategy/Policy |
The specific objective of the project is to support SOCAR in the development and implementation of selected programmatic NAMAs in the low-carbon end-use sectors, where pilot investments will be directed into low energy and low carbon technologies that are so far missing on a large scale on the Azeri market. |
E-mobility readiness plan
Chile |
Strategy/Policy |
The E-mobility Readiness Plan is designed to promote the introduction of grid-enabled electric vehicles in Chile on a large scale, leading to a target of 70,000 electric vehicles by the year 2020. The plan foresees the implementation of a set of activities to target barriers and provide incentives to achieve the overall target. |
Santiago Transportation Green Zone
Chile |
Strategy/Policy |
Low emission vehicles (taxis and Transantiago), bicycle promotion, transit management |
Colombia |
Strategy/Policy |
The objective of the NAMA, also called NAMA for Active Transport and Demand Management, is to improve the quality of urban live and contribute to climate change mitigation through an increasing use of bicycles and a responsible use of motorized transport. |
Transit-oriented development
Colombia |
Strategy/Policy |
The Colombian NAMA aims to construct lasting infrastructure and buildings that will lock in efficient land use and travel patterns. |
Unilateral NAMA: Sustainable road-based freight transport Colombia
Colombia |
Strategy/Policy |
Accelerate the renovation of the cargo vehicle fleet with the aim to improve economic competitiveness and environmental performance of the freight transport sector. |
Public Transport
Costa Rica |
Strategy/Policy |
The objective of the NAMA is to improve public transport in Costa Rica. |
Low Carbon Climate Resilient Development Strategy in Dominica
Dominica |
Strategy/Policy |
Support the implementation of the Low Carbon Climate Resilient Development Strategy |
NAMA on mass transit in Quito
Ecuador |
Project |
IDB is providing technical support to the Government of Ecuador in the development of a proposal for the transport sector in Quito. |
NAMA on low carbon freight transport
Ecuador |
Not known |
IDB is providing technical support to the Government of Ecuador in the development of a NAMA proposal for its low carbon freight transport sector. |
River Freight Transport
Egypt |
Strategy/Policy |
The objective is to support government efforts in improving and facilitating freight transport within the country. |
Ethiopian Railways Railway Academy NAMA
Ethiopia |
Project |
Through this NAMA, the Ethiopian Railway Company (ERC) is seeking support for the preparation of feasibility study for the Construction of the Academy; procurement of interior and lab equipment, formulation of curricula and the formulation of an academy business plan. |
Ethiopia Railways Establishment of Climate Vulnerability Infrastructure Investment Framework NAMA
Ethiopia |
Project |
The Ethiopian Railway Corporation (ERC) seeks assistance to enhance its understanding of likely impacts of climate change on its envisioned infrastructure, which will enable ERC to integrate these impacts in crucial long-‐term investment decisions. |
Ethiopia Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit Transit Oriented Development NAMA
Ethiopia |
Project |
The envisaged infrastructure consists of two railway project components: the Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (LRT) and the National Railway Network (NRN). Transport Oriented Development (TOD) is an urban development concept, which promotes mixed-‐use public, residential and commercial areas, favouring non-‐motorized modes of transport. High-‐density urban development along the LRT will increase revenues through ticketing (enhanced ridership) and increase the value of land/leases, which will contribute to the sustainable operation of the LRT. |
Sustainable Urban Transport Initiative
Indonesia |
Strategy/Policy |
This programme promotes sustainable urban transport in Indonesian Cities by implementing and monitoring measures in order to halt the increasing motorisation and reduce externalities of transportation. |
Fostering Use of Natural Gas in the Transport Sector
Kazakhstan |
Strategy/Policy |
The NAMA intends to foster the use of natural gas as a fuel for the transport sector. It first develops the infrastructure to supply compressed natural gas (CNG) throughout the country and later the infrastructure for liquefied natural gas (LNG). |
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for Low-carbon Urban Development in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan |
Project |
The Project supports the identification, design, and implementation of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in the urban sector. NAMAs, consisting of investments in infrastructure supported by capacity building, awareness raising and technical assistance, will contribute to achieving the country’s GHG emission reduction voluntary target while improving urban services and the quality of life of citizens in Kazakh towns and cities. The project is the first effort in Kazakhstan to adopt a comprehensive approach to reduce GHG emissions in cities. |
Transport NAMA on BRT
Kenya |
Strategy/Policy |
The objective of the transport NAMA is to reduce vehicle emissions, through Kenya's first Mass Rapid Transit System (MRT). |
NAMA in the Private Road Transport Sector – Fuel Efficient Vehicles (FEVs)
Lebanon |
Strategy/Policy |
This NAMA has a threefold objective. It aims to establish an institutional framework for a scrappage programme, prepare a scrappage programme and define an incentive scheme, and implement the scrappage programme. |
Car Fleet Renewal in Mexico
Mexico |
Not known |
This NAMA seeks to promote a program that incentivizes the efficiency in the consumption of fossil fuels through the substitution of 500 thousand vehicles with an age of 15 years or older with new vehicles in order to renew the national fleet. |
Public Transport Route Optimization and Vehicle Fleet Renovation
Mexico |
Not known |
The objective of the NAMA is to increase the efficiency of public transport operations in the 56 Metropolitan areas of Mexico to reduce related GHG emissions and other pollutants. |
Freight transport NAMA
Mexico |
Strategy/Policy |
The main objective of the NAMA is to improve energy efficiency in the federal road freight transport sector through the modernization of the fleet, the inclusion of technologies and training programs for drivers which reduce fuel consumption of trucks and thereby reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria pollutants emissions. |
NAMA Urban Passenger Transport Ulaanbaatar
Mongolia |
Strategy/Policy |
The overall objective of the NAMA is to establish a sustainable urban passenger transport system in Ulaanbaatar |
Sustainable urban mobility NAMA
Panama |
Strategy/Policy |
The objective is to promote the use of sustainable transport in Panama City. |
Sustainable Urban Transport NAMA
Peru |
Project |
The sustainable transport NAMA is intended to improve quality of public transport provision and vehicle fleet optimization (TRANSPeru) |
Bus Rapid Transit in Kigali
Rwanda |
Strategy/Policy |
Implementation of an efficient bus rapid transit (BRT) system for the city in Kigali, with linkage to non-motorized transport |
Rehabilitation of arterial roads in Serbia
Serbia |
Project |
Not specified |
Support to Sierra Leone Preparation of NAMA
Sierra Leone |
Strategy/Policy |
The objective is to reflect the country concerns in addressing the issues of climate change and build on sectoral synergies to enable emission reduction starting 2016. |
Passenger Modal Shift from Road to Rail – The Gautrain Case
South Africa |
Project |
The NAMA covers the modal shift of private passenger vehicles to the Gautrain electric rail directly, or through the feeder bus system. |
Sustainable transport in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka |
Strategy/Policy |
The objective of the NAMA is to introduce electric buses to the planned Bus Rapid Transit. |
People-centred Urban Mobility in Thailand
Thailand |
Strategy/Policy |
The objective of the NAMA is to improve intermodal connectivity in Thai cities as well as the overall public transportation system. |
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) for Kampala
Uganda |
Project |
The purpose of this NAMA is to improve the efficiency of public transport, by moving commuters from private vehicles to public transportation to address both traffic and pollution problems. The NAMA will reduce transport emissions in the Kampala metropolitan region from a business as usual baseline. |
Periodic Vehicle Inspection for Emissions and Roadworthiness
Uganda |
Strategy/Policy |
This NAMA is intended to reduce emissions from vehicles, which have a high potential for operations related emissions. This is a policy NAMA, which is important due to the type, age and condition of imported vehicles in Uganda. It will also target operation and use through the lifecycle of the vehicles. |
Fuel Efficiency in Motor Vehicles
Uganda |
Strategy/Policy |
The purpose of this NAMA is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable development in the transport sector through the implementation of a Fuel Efficiency Initiative that includes the development of policies and regulations that will promote the use of more efficient vehicles. |
National Fuel Efficiency Initiative
Uganda |
Strategy/Policy |
The objective of the NAMA is to promote ownership and use of cleaner and more fuel-efficient vehicle. |
Fuel efficiency NAMA
Vietnam |
Strategy/Policy |
The objective of the NAMA is to increase energy efficiency in the urban transport sector. |
Low-carbon bus NAMA
Vietnam |
Strategy/Policy |
The objective of the NAMA is to reduce emissions in the urban transport sector. |
Green Urban Mobility Solution for Zambian City Integrated Tramway
Zambia |
Strategy/Policy |
The NAMA aims to improve and promote green mobility in the tramway network of Zambian cities. |
Type of action
Intelligent transport system
Bhutan |
Project |
The objective is to assess the feasibility of an "Intelligent transport System" by encouraging commuters to take the bus. |
Comprehensive mobility plan for Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Brazil |
Strategy/Policy |
The aim of the Comprehensive Mobility Plan of the city of Belo Horzonte is to increase the modal share of non-motorized and public transport in Belo Horizonte in order to reduce GHG emissions, improve the quality of the transport network, and to realise other environmental benefits. This NAMA feasibility study comprised measures to enhance and promote the infrastructure and operation of these two modes, and also integrate land-use and parking policies. As the third largest city in Brazil, which has 40 cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants, replication of this activity could have a transformational impact on urban transport across the country. The marginal cost of implementing the integrated urban mobility plan was been estimated as US$2.7 billion, and the supported NAMA was estimated to cost US$36 million of this total, therefore comprising part of a wider funding package. |
Programme for Energy Efficiency in the Transport Sector in Chile
Chile |
Supported NAMA for Improvement of Road-based Freight sector
Colombia |
Project |
Accelerate the renovation of the cargo vehicle fleet with the aim to improve economic competitiveness and environmental performance of the freight transport sector. |
V-NAMA for the urban transport sector
Georgia |
Strategy/Policy |
The objective of the NAMA is to reduce GHG emissions in the urban transport sector. |
City wide mitigation programme of Greater Amman Municipality
Jordan |
Strategy/Policy |
To reduce emissions in municipal waste, urban transport, sustainable energy, and urban forestry estimated to average around 560 ktCO2e per year. |
Public transport development in Lebanon
Lebanon |
Strategy/Policy |
This aim is to modernize the transport system which today depends on a large share of old passenger vehicles. |
Optimization of the conventional bus system in the valley of Mexico City
Mexico |
Not known |
The objective of the NAMA is to improve the conventional bus system in the valley of Mexico. The actions reviewed as a NAMA in this feasibility study were the: establishment of an appropriate institutional and regulatory framework, the implementation of changes in the bus system (such as the reorganization of routes and concession management), public awareness raising and outreach, and the implementation of a transport monitoring system. |
Rollout of electric private passenger vehicles
South Africa |
Not known |
The NAMA aims to produce and use private passenger electric vehicles in South Africa, with the goal of a 10% penetration of electric private passenger vehicles by 2015. The objective is to decrease GHG emissions by 450 MtCO2 equivalent from 2011 to 2050. The NAMA will help to demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of electric vehicles, with the potential of making a considerable contribution to the sustainability of the sector, and complementing other national climate change and transport initiatives. |
Production and application of hybrid and electric cars in Vietnam
Vietnam |
Project |
To reduce GHG emissions from transport sector through the production and application of hybrid and electric cars in Vietnam, towards the target of the Vietnam Government that 6 million environmentally-friendly vehicles will be in operation by 2020. |
Sustainable Urban Transport Initiative (SUTRI)
Vietnam |
Project |
Sustainable Urban Transport
Vietnam |
Project |