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    Freight transport NAMA

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    Sector Transport
    Focus area Road cargo
    Type of action Strategy/Policy
    Scope National
    Stage Under development
    Submitted to UNFCCC registry Yes
    Start of initiative
    (no data)
    Financing and support details
    Financing status Seeking financing
    Total cost US$ 19.76 mln
    Financing requested US$ 0.07 mln
    Financing received to-date
    (no data)
    Principal source of financing Not known
    Principal type of financing Not known
    Capacity building required Yes
    Technology transfer required Unknown
    Additional information
    Proponent(s) Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales), Ministry of Communication and Transportation (Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes)
    International funder(s) German government
    Organization providing technical support Semarnat, Sener, INE, CONUEE
    Contact Semarnat: Ana Patricia Martínez Bolívar:

    Ministry of Communication and Transportation (Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes):


    The main objective of the NAMA is to improve energy efficiency in the federal road freight transport sector through the modernization of the fleet, the inclusion of technologies and training programs for drivers which reduce fuel consumption of trucks and thereby reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria pollutants emissions.

    Activities: (2015
    Mitigation actions

    The NAMA aims to reduce emissions from the freight sector by introducing three different types of measures to improve vehicle fuel efficiency in domestic medium- and large-sized enterprises. These are: enhancing the aerodynamics of freight vehicles, installing Automatic Inflation Systems (AIS) to monitor tyre pressure, and introducing eco-driving training programmes.

    Process steps

    NAMA Identification: A low-carbon scenario analysis for Mexico (known as MEDEC) was conducted in 2008 as part of the World Bank’s Investment Framework for Clean Energy. This incorporated a transport sector component that involved testing nine different strategies for CO2 emission reduction in the sector and included a Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC) to analyze the co-benefits of CO2 emission reduction. NAMA development: The NAMA proposal was developed by EMBARQ Mexico in close cooperation with SEMARNAT. The mitigation actions were selected following a review of measures that have been adopted, implemented and impacts monitored in other countries, and they were later refined through a participatory process. NAMA Implementation: TBD (opportunities to access finance for implementation are being pursued).

    The interventions of the NAMA are the following, combining the three interventions can increase the fuel-saving potential:

    • Include «Eco-driving» courses for truck drivers as a part of the mandatory courses of the Ministry of Communication and Transportation (SCT) taken by road hauliers every two years.
    • Technological improvement: Improve aerodynamics, automatic inflating systems (AIS), among others.

    These technological improvements are not exclusive but can be applied simultaneously. This increases the fuel saving potential.

    • Modernization of the vehicle fleet, via the scrapping and renovation of road transport fleet and the NOM-044-SEMARNAT.

    Impact and MRV

    No Data Available.png
    Cumulative GHG reductions: 290 MtCO2e
    Mitigative capacity:

    Ex-ante projections indicate that the potential emission reduction of the NAMA is 290 MtCO2eq. This is approximately 12% of all emissions from the freight transport sub-sector. The cost per unit of tone of CO2e mitigated will be of the order of 26 USD/ tCO2e MtCO2e"Ex-ante projections indicate that the potential emission reduction of the NAMA is 290 MtCO2eq. This is approximately 12% of all emissions from the freight transport sub-sector. The cost per unit of tone of CO2e mitigated will be of the order of 26 USD/ tCO2e MtCO2e" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.


    Social: Improvement of road safety through the professionalization of drivers and the improvement of the conditions of the road transport vehicles.
    Economic: Rise the freight sector’s competitiveness by increasing job opportunities for owner operators and smaller fleet carriers.
    Environmental: The reduction of local pollutants will help to improve the overall health of the local population. The reduction of criteria pollutant emissions will improve air quality.

    The proposal estimates that with implementation there would be an 8% reduction

    MRV Framework:

    Key parameters

    The MRV process has not yet been fully defined yet, but it is proposed that the key parameters for measurement are as follows: Fuel consumption (litres per year) Annual emissions (megatonnes of CO2 per year) Vehicles with improved technology (number of vehicles per year) Trained drivers (number of drivers per period of training per year) Companies that have participated in the driver training program (number of companies per year)

    Available data and data needs

    The availability of the data required is not clear based on the proposal, but there is recognition that related datasets need to be improved in terms of coverage, reliability and accuracy.

    Lessons learned (MRV)

    The MRV process will be developed at a later stage but the proposal outlines an initial suggestion to facilitate the process as well as key questions that need to be answered to develop an acceptable approach to MRV. This process has highlighted a number of challenges, which include the fact that there are few accredited validation processes to learn from and that databases containing necessary data they tend to be incomplete.


    The NAMA is based on the following two existing government programs which are aimed at modernizing the fleet and improving fuel efficiency: 1.“Transporte Limpio” (SEMARNAT): A voluntary market-driven partnership program which promotes eco-driving courses and fleet upgrades with various fuel saving technologies and by reducing idling time. 2.Scrapping Scheme and Financial Scheme (SCT): These schemes promote the renewal of old trucks with modern ones. The Special Program of Climate Change (PECC) in 2014 promoted the Transport NAMA as one of the National Strategies for the reduction of GHG-emissions and short-lived pollutants. It also pointed out “Transporte Limpio” and Modernization Program as two of the actions to develop schemes of sustainable transport in Mexico. Required external financing refers to first intervention of eco-driving courses. For second intervention funding is contemplated from the national development bank NAFIN or commercial banks. Furthermore, additional support from the finance ministry SHCP will be required in order to broaden the scope of the 3rd intervention. Other comments on capacity building: A) Foster the Transporte Limpio Program (0.8 Million USD): It includes technology assessment, new model of evaluation of emissions, scheme of certification and communication strategy. B) Professionalize owner operating “Man Truck” and small truck operators “Small Fleet Carriers” (2 Million USD): It includes training of trainers, online platform training, development of material and software tracking and face-to-face training of 30,000 operators. C) Develop financing programs and incentives for cleaner vehicles and technologies (4.2 Million USD): Includes three pilots (1,000 technology packages – aerodynamics and automatic inflation of tires, Retrofit systems and 650 units that comply with the new NOM-044.
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