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    People-centred Urban Mobility in Thailand

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    Sector Transport
    Focus area
    (no data)
    Type of action Strategy/Policy
    Scope National
    Stage Under development
    Submitted to UNFCCC registry Yes
    Start of initiative 2016
    Financing and support details
    Financing status Seeking financing
    Total cost US$ 640 mln
    Financing requested US$ 16 mln
    Financing received to-date US$ 0 mln
    Principal source of financing Not known
    Principal type of financing Not known
    Capacity building required Yes
    Technology transfer required Yes
    Additional information
    Proponent(s) Ministry of Transport, Office of Traffic and Transport Policy and Planning
    International funder(s)
    (no data)
    Organization providing technical support
    (no data)
    (no data)

    The objective of the NAMA is to improve intermodal connectivity in Thai cities as well as the overall public transportation system.

    Activities: (2016 - 2026)
    The NAMA focuses on improving feeder modes to the urban rail network in Bangkok, which is undergoing expansion. Other cities in Thailand will then also propose and implement similar measures, building on the lessons from Bangkok and enabled by the national policy.

    Activities include:

    • consolidation of the bus services
    • improvement of public transport hubs
    • bus prioritization
    • introduction of more energy-efficienct buses
    • improvement of conditions for cycling and walking (non-motorised transport).

    The NAMA provides a viable alternative to private transport and addresses the motorisation trend. It also focuses on allocating finance, creating institutional change and develop policies for Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) and bus. It intends to provide a consistent and integrated framework for urban transport policies and a national policy framework to support cities.

    The Working Group for developing the NAMA proposal held its first meeting on 14 January 2015.

    Impact and MRV

    No Data Available.png
    Cumulative GHG reductions: 0.4 MtCO2e
    Mitigative capacity:

    No information has been provided on mitigative capacity


    Social: * improved conditions for walking and cycling
    • optimization of time
    • better quality and reliability of infrastructure
    • better health conditions: air quality and exercise
    • less disruption, less noise
    • less congestion
    Economic: * less need to build roads
    • resource efficiency
    Environmental: * reduced energy consumed by buses
    • reduced emissions

    MRV Framework:
    No MRV plan has been defined


    Investment requirements mostly include purchase of natural gas and electric buses, improving bus stops and stations, implementation of real-time travel information systems, bus priority measures, and infrastructure for cycling and walking. International financial support is requested for the NAMA management, data and MRV system and the new financial mechanism for sustainable urban transport, the latter in order to secure a more stable budget for sustainable transport from public and private sources in Thailand. 250 person-days of technical support from national and international consultants is sought. Activities will be linked to assessing the most appropriate technologies for electric buses, intelligent transport systems and electronic ticketing and how to build up a national innovation system particularly for electric vehicles. 1.75M$ is requested for capacity building of relevant stakeholders, government officials and knowledge institutions. Building on currently available tools such as the Bangkok transport model and traffic information apps, this will require improved transport planning tools, including for land-use transport interaction, emission scenarios, MRV and operation of transport systems.
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