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  Stage Sector name Sub-sector Objective
Reduce encroachment into forests and virgin lands through improvement of food storage facilities and promotion of the use of post-harvest technologies Under development Forestry This project aims to promote and facilitate the procurement of and utilization of post harvest and food processing technologies to improve food availability and thus reduce clearing of virgin lands for cultivation of more food. The clearing of virgin lands, most of which are forest and rangelands leads to reduced sinks and increased emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Blue Carbon NAMA Conserve and Restore Mangroves in the Dominican Republic Under development Forestry Enable the Dominican Republic to sequester and store substantial blue carbon through the conservation and restoration of mangroves, thus diminishing greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere. The path to achieving this result through this NAMA includes enhancing and focusing the national level policy environment through collective understanding and commitment to the NAMA; the application of sound science in quantifying the country’s current and potential carbon sequestering and storage capacity; analysis and pursuit of potential carbon credit income for the Dominican Republic; and a participatory role for the private sector and communities around the country to actively support conservation and restoration efforts.
NAMA for the Dairy sector Under development Agriculture Livestock The objective of the NAMA is to reduce GHG emission intensities in the dairy sector by at least 3% below current levels and reach more than 600,000 dairy farmers in the country.
Construction of a Super-critical Lignite Power Plant TTP Kostolac B Under development Energy Energy efficiency Decrease emission intensity of lignite thermal power plant
NAMA for Sustainable Housing Retrofit Under development Buildings This NAMA seeks to maximize the efficiency of water, electricity and gas consumption in existing homes. The housing retrofit NAMA is based on a “whole house approach” where efficiency benchmarks are set for total primary energy demand for each building type taking into account climatic variables. This approach includes a simple and cost-effective MRV system, and enables building developers and homeowners to employ a flexible range of interventions to achieve the performance standard desired. It enables a holistic and systematic methodology to energy efficient refurbishment of the building stock. Furthermore, it ensures the continuation of on-going activities and programs.
South African Renewables Initiative (SARI) Under development Energy Renewable energy (unspecified) The South African Renewables Initiative aims to mobilise domestic and international funding, and sector expertise, to support South Africa to scale-up renewable energy.
Low Carbon Coffee in Dominican Republic Under development Agriculture
Renewable energy (biomass) The objective of the NAMA is to reduce GHG emissions in the coffee sector
Introduction 1000 MW of small biomass boilers in Serbia Under development Energy Renewable energy (biomass) Reduction of GHG emissions of energy supply
Strategizing for Grid Strengthening / Improvement for evacuation of power from Wind Power Projects Under development Energy Renewable energy (wind) This NAMA support project is designed to develop a master plan for development of wind power and prepare a strategy for developing national grid to evacuate the power. This NAMA Support project will also help in addressing the issues related to financing and capacity lackings.
CSP NAMA Under development Energy Renewable energy (solar) The objective is to construct a single CSP plant with an approximate capacity of 50MW in the north of Chile
Co-processing of municipal solid waste (MSW) based refuse derive fuel (RDF) in cement plants in India Under development Industry
This NAMA aims to reduce the amount of waste landfilled under precarious conditions, facilitate a thermal use for waste fractions that cannot be recycled material-wise, and lead to a reduction of GHG emissions through the replacement of fossil fuels as well as the avoidance of methane emissions from landfills.
NAMAs in the energy generation and end-use sectors in Peru Under development Energy Renewable energy (unspecified)
Energy efficiency
Low carbon fuels
Design and implement NAMAs in the energy supply sector and in different end use sectors
Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency in the Private Sector Under development Energy Energy efficiency This NAMA seeks to promote the implementation of steps for the diversification and strengthening of the national energy network, creation of new jobs, attraction of international funds for the execution of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects
Provision of Sustainable Energy in Zimbabwe through use of Biogas Under development Energy Renewable energy (biomass) The objective of the NAMA is to design and implement a national programme to promote the use of biogas and develop a market-driven sector.
Waste to Energy with focus on Residual Dispose Fuel (RDF) Under development Waste The objective is to support the government plan to encourage the increase in waste used as energy in cement plants to 15% by 2030.
Windfarm in Quttaineh Under development Energy Renewable energy (wind) The purpose of the project is to design, manufacture, supply, transportation, insurance, testing and implementation of civil works, installation and operation of machinery and equipment needed for establishing a typical wind farm at the north border of Lake Quttaineh- southern of Homs governorate with capacity of 50 MW. The project includes supplying of spare parts and equipments needed, and conducting of a training program to ensure operating and investment securely.
Promoting cultivation of high-yielding upland rice in Uganda Under development Agriculture Crops (incl. NO2 from fertilizer use) The objective of the NAMA is to increase rice production in Uganda for both domestic and export markets by promoting the cultivation of high-yielding upland rice, as opposed to lowland paddy rice, in various parts of the country.
Small and medium scale renewable energy installations in North Sumatra Under development Energy Renewable energy (unspecified) Stimulate private sector investments in renewable energy
Thermal Power Project with Capacity and Efficiency Increase II - TTP Nikola Tesla – Unit A3 Under development Energy Energy efficiency Decrease emission intensity of lignite thermal power plant
Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Tea and Coffee Sector in Rwanda Under development Energy Energy efficiency Promotion of energy efficiency in the tea and coffee sector through Incentives and demonstration projects
Agroforestry for Rehabilitation of Degraded Land Under development Agriculture
Agroforestry for Rehabilitation of Degraded Land, in short Agroforestry, is a Locally Appropriate Mitigation Action (LAMA) intended to rehabilitate degraded land in Indonesia.
High Integration Program of Wind Energy Under development Energy Renewable energy (wind) Uruguay plans to install 1 GW of wind power until 2015, which will lead to a share of wind energy of 20%. The objective of the NAMA is to support such a high percentage of wind energy in the national electricity grid, by analysing the expansion of the electric system, considering shares of wind energy of 20%, 25% and 30%.
Supporting Mechanisms for Promoting Distributed Generation (Net Metering, Wheeling, Banking etc.) in Pakistan to put 3 GW Alternative and Renewable Energy (ARE) Projects in next 7 years. Under development Energy Renewable energy (unspecified) This NAMA Support project will enable in establishing a conducive environment for development of Alternative and Renewable Energy (ARE) Distributed Generation options in the country. The overall objective of this NAMA Support document is to establish a regulatory regime that would help in developing the ARE DG options in the country.
Productive and Technological Reconversion of Colombia's Panela Sector Under development Agriculture Crops (incl. NO2 from fertilizer use) The NAMA seeks to implement strategies towards GHG and pollutant reduction across the Panela sector, focusing on three main technology areas: crop processes, mills technological upgrading and use of sub-products.
Climate-Smart Dairy Livestock Value Chains in Uganda Under development Agriculture The objective of this NAMA is to trigger resilient low-carbon development in the dairy sector through the introduction of climate-smart agricultural practices and to bring the dairy production sector of Uganda onto a low carbon and more resilient path.
NAMA in the forestry sector Under development Forestry Reduction of GHG emissions by 12 MtCO2 per year through afforestation and reforestation
Cogeneration in Mexico Under development Energy This NAMA seeks to eliminate schemes that allow the elimination of barriers that limit the implementation of cogeneration projects in the private sector.
Biogas for onsite power generation for medium/large pig Farms Under development Agriculture
Renewable energy (biomass)
Energy efficiency
The NAMA aims to foster the use of biogas power at pig farms in medium and large-scale farms in rural areas of Vietnam.
NAMA in the Private Road Transport Sector – Fuel Efficient Vehicles (FEVs) Under development Transport This NAMA has a threefold objective. It aims to establish an institutional framework for a scrappage programme, prepare a scrappage programme and define an incentive scheme, and implement the scrappage programme.
Samra Thermal Power Station ‐ Phase‐III Add‐On Combined Cycle Under development Energy Energy efficiency Reduce emissions from power sector by increasing efficiency of power plant
Cement NAMA Under development Industry
Energy efficiency This NAMA seeks to avoid the use of coke through a programme to co-process municipal waste to produce cement.
National Energy Efficient Lighting Program in Mongolia Under development Energy Energy efficiency The outlined project involves the installation of energy efficient lighting equipments in residential, industrial, commercial and outdoor sectors to replace the inefficient lighting lamps in Mongolia.
Supporting Implementation of 100% Renewable Electricity by 2020 Under development Energy Renewable energy (unspecified) The Cook Islands Government has set a policy goal for 100% renewable electricity by 2020 with a phased-in implementation plan that achieves 50% by 2015. This NAMA sets out the support requirements beyond that which has already been secured from international sources. Currently, power generation by the public owned electricity systems in the Cook Islands is by diesel generators. The objective of this NAMA is to see all these replaced by renewable sources of electricity, with diesel generators only kept for emergency back-up purposes.
Ethiopian Green Energy NAMA Under development Energy Renewable energy (unspecified) The objective of the Green Energy NAMA is to develop a rural electrification program, staring with pilot projects using RE mini grids
Public Transport Under development Transport The objective of the NAMA is to improve public transport in Costa Rica.
Expansion of existing heating network in Valjevo Under development Energy Energy efficiency Improve energy efficiency of district heating network
Feed-in tariff NAMA for renewable energy Under development Energy Renewable energy (wind)
Renewable energy (biomass)
Development of a feed-in tariff policy NAMA for renewable energy in Sudan
Cement NAMA in Peru Under development Industry Energy efficiency The overall objective of the NAMA is to establish the enabling environment to promote low carbon development in the cement industry while raising its competitiveness at the same time.
NAMA for sugar mills Under development Energy he objective of the NAMA is to improve access of sugar mills to the grid.
Morocco solar plan Under development Energy Renewable energy (solar) Installation of 2000 MW of concentrating solar power (CPS) by 2020
The Promotion of the Use of Efficient Institutional Stoves in Institutions Under development Energy Energy efficiency This NAMA intends to reduce emissions through the promotion of the use of improved energy efficient cook stoves in educational institutions at all levels in the different regions of Uganda.
NAMA in the construction sector Under development Buildings
Energy efficiency The objective of the NAMA is to facilitate market transformation for energy efficiency in the construction sector.
NAMA Forest in Tunisia Under development Forestry The objective is to widen the forest surface of the country to 10 % of the total area of the country by 2034, including forest and pastoral plantations, regeneration of the existing forests and plantation of olive trees.
Use of Solar energy for domestic hot water production in Heat plant “Cerak” in Belgrade Under development Buildings
Renewable energy (solar) Install solar water heaters to reduce emissions from space heating and domestic hot water use
Emission Reduction through Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Kenya Under development Waste Kenya‘s National Government, in partnership with the county governments of Machakos and Nakuru, want to pilot the development of sustainable solid waste management mechanisms in the two counties. The mechanisms entail an integrated composting facility and a sanitary landfill in both counties. The compositing unit will produce organic fertiliser for use in farming in place of inorganic fertilizers, contributing towards the avoidance of GHG emission from the agricultural sector. Both facilities will generate energy from methane gas captured, providing an alternative source of energy.
Domestic Refrigerators NAMA Under development Buildings Decrease emissions from refrigeration through efficiency increase and phase-out of HCFs in the sector
Replacement and Construction of a New Natural Gas Cogeneration Plant CHP Novi Sad Under development Energy Low carbon fuels Decrease emissions from power and heat generation through low carbon and efficiency technology
Utilization of Use Cooking Oil Biodiesel in Commercial Buildings in Bogor City Under development Buildings Energy efficiency (public and commercial) To promote the substitution of petroleum-based diesel by carb-neutral biodiesel made from used cooking oil in the commercial building sector in Bogor City. The used cooking oil is to be collected from the building sector such as hotels, malls, restaurants and hospitals in Bogor City.
Jamaica Renewable Energy NAMA Under development Energy The objective of the NAMA is to promote the incorporation of renewable energy based generation in Jamaica by assisting in the creation of an enabling environment for the deployment of renewable energy generation technologies such as solar, wind, hydro and biomass in the country.
Eco-competitive Livestock sector Under development Agriculture A more eco-competitive livestock sector through low emission and transformational production practices
NAMA for New Residential Buildings in Mexico Under development Buildings Renewable energy (solar) The NAMA mitigates emissions in the residential sector by improving electrical, fossil fuel, and water efficiency. These improvements are achieved through deployment of eco-technologies, proliferation of design improvements, and utilization of efficient building materials.
Transforming the ESCO market Under development Energy Energy efficiency The NAMA addresses energy efficiency in the industrial sector
Sustainable charcoal NAMA Under development Forestry
Renewable energy (biomass)
Forest management
The objective of the NAMA is to leverage private sector investment in sustainable charcoal production and solid biomass fuels, support forest restoration, and support the conversion of existing producers to sustainable practices
Integrated crop-livestock system Under development Agriculture Promote an integrated crop-livestock system by planting nitrogen fixing crops and encouraging spot and zero burning practices
NAMA for efficient cooling and air conditioning in industry and business Under development Energy Energy efficiency The project provides support to Indonesia, primarily the Ministry of Energy, in creating and implementing a reliable framework for fostering energy efficiency in the cooling and air-conditioning sector.
Ethiopia Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit Transit Oriented Development NAMA Under development Transport The envisaged infrastructure consists of two railway project components: the Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (LRT) and the National Railway Network (NRN). Transport Oriented Development (TOD) is an urban development concept, which promotes mixed-­‐use public, residential and commercial areas, favouring non-­‐motorized modes of transport. High-­‐density urban development along the LRT will increase revenues through ticketing (enhanced ridership) and increase the value of land/leases, which will contribute to the sustainable operation of the LRT.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in cuban pig production Under development Agriculture
Waste water
The objective of the NAMA is to reduce GHG emissions in Cuban pig production through the promotion of technologies for the capture and use of biogas (heat and electricity) obtained as a result of the treatment of pig wastewater.
Off-grid non-conventional renewable energy Under development Energy Renewable energy (solar)
Renewable energy (biomass)
Renewable energy (geothermal)
Incentive program for off-grid implementation of non-conventional renewable energy in industry and commercial sector
Low Emission Schools Under development Buildings Low Emission Schools Programme aims to empower students to effectively influence their communities on climate change and sustainability , while reducing CO2 emissions within the school.
Efficient Biomass Stove Development, Dissemination and Commercialisation Under development Energy Renewable energy (biomass) The objective of the NAMA promote the use of biomass in rural areas to replace, in part, wood fuel and avoid forest degradation.
Improved Charcoal Kiln Under development Waste The objective is to increase charcoal productivity and quality while utilizing less land for production, and improving health and safety of both charcoal producers and local population.
Revolving Fund for Waste-to-Energy Projects Under development Waste Catalyze private investment in methane capture and utilization technology in the waste sector through increased regulation, incentives, capacity building and innovative financing.
Windfarm in Ghabagheb Under development Energy Renewable energy (wind) The purpose of the project is to design , manufacture, supply, transportation, insurance, testing and implementation of civil works, installation and operation of machinery and equipment needed for establishing a typical wind farm with capacity of 50 MW in Ghabagheb south of Damascus.
Supporting Program for Wind Power Development in Viet Nam Under development Energy Renewable energy (wind) The objective of the NAMA is to promote wind energy in Vietnam by removing barriers on policy, capacity and technology.
Sustainable Settlement Facility Under development Buildings Establish subsidised and gap housing in South Africa as low carbon, removing significant future demand from the coal dominated South African grid.
Tourism NAMA in the Dominican Republic Under development Waste The goal of the NAMA is to achieve wide‐spread adoption of alternative energy technologies and address waste management in the tourism sector.
Waste-to-Energy (WtE) and improved waste management practices in Kigali Under development Waste
Solid waste management Implementation of one Waste-To-Energy plant for collected solid waste in the Kigali urban area
NAMA in the commercial refrigeration sector Under development Buildings This NAMA aims at a broader sector transformation to low GWP refrigerants and energy efficient equipment in the commercial refrigeration sector.
Hydro power plants in Serbia Under development Energy Renewable energy (unspecified) Reduce emissions from electricity generation by using hydro power.
Strategizing for Grid Strengthening / Improvement for evacuation of power from Solar Power Projects Under development Energy Renewable energy (solar) This NAMA Support project is designed to develop a master plan for development of solar power and prepare a strategy for developing national grid to evacuate the power. This NAMA Support project will also help in addressing the issues related to financing and capacity lackings.
Adaptation and Mitigation Initiatives in Rice Cultivation Under development Agriculture Crops (incl. NO2 from fertilizer use) The objective of the NAMA is to develop a set of measures for sustainable transformation of cultivation practices in the rice sector.
Fuel Efficiency in Motor Vehicles Under development Transport Public transport
Passenger vehicles
The purpose of this NAMA is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable development in the transport sector through the implementation of a Fuel Efficiency Initiative that includes the development of policies and regulations that will promote the use of more efficient vehicles.
NAMA in the housing sector Under development Buildings Reduction of GHG emissions through mitigation actions in the area of low carbon housing
Car Fleet Renewal in Mexico Under development Transport This NAMA seeks to promote a program that incentivizes the efficiency in the consumption of fossil fuels through the substitution of 500 thousand vehicles with an age of 15 years or older with new vehicles in order to renew the national fleet.
Fostering Use of Natural Gas in the Transport Sector Under development Transport
Low carbon fuels The NAMA intends to foster the use of natural gas as a fuel for the transport sector. It first develops the infrastructure to supply compressed natural gas (CNG) throughout the country and later the infrastructure for liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Energy Efficiency in Public-Private Buildings Under development Buildings The objective is to achieve a market transformation towards the use of energy efficient lighting systems in residential, governmental and commercial buildings in Egypt.
Swine NAMA Under development Waste The objective of the NAMA is to install biodigesters to improve treatment of swine waste in Panama.
National Program for Catalyzing Industrial and Commercial Organic Waste Management in Chile Under development Waste The objective of this NAMA is to catalyse the instalation of the first facilities for industrial and commercial organic waste management in Chile (it does not include household organic waste).
Supporting up-scaled mitigation in the cement sector Under development Industry Energy efficiency Development of cement sector data and MRV systems and design of a support scheme for cement sector mitigation actions
Energy Efficiency NAMA in the Garment Industry in Cambodia Under development Industry Energy efficiency The overall objective of the NAMA is to support Cambodia´s energy efficiency policy and to improve efficiency in the industrial sector and to build capacity in the field of energy efficiency. The introduction of efficient sewing, washing, drying machines and compressors will improve energy efficiency in motor driven systems and will decrease GHG emissions by reducing the use of electricity.
POME LAMA (Palm Oil Mill Effluent) Under development Agriculture
POME is a Locally Appropriate Mitigation Action (LAMA) intended to improve rural electrification.
First introduction of Photovoltaic Solar Energy in the national electrical grid Under development Energy Renewable energy (solar) The objective is to achieve a goal of 200 MW of photovoltaics installed by the year 2020. For this goal to be reached, the NAMA aims to achieve local capacity building in order to incorporate this technology in the legal and technical regulatory framework, while generating knowledge and expertise for the sustainable future incorporation of photovoltaic energy power in the national energy mix.
Innovative Energy Optimisation in the Steel Sector Under development Industry Energy efficiency To improve energy efficiency in the steel sector in Bangladesh
Implementation of Feed-in Tariff Mechanism Under development Agriculture
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency(residential)
Energy efficiency (public and commercial)
The objective of the NAMA is to implement a Feed-in tariff Mechanism in Malaysia.
Green Urban Mobility Solution for Zambian City Integrated Tramway Under development Transport The NAMA aims to improve and promote green mobility in the tramway network of Zambian cities.
NAMA for the industrial sector Under development Industry Energy efficiency To help industrial sector identify energy and water inefficiencies, renewable energy/low carbon fuel potentials and inefficient waste management. Reduce GHG emissions of the sector by at least 1 Gg CO2 eq annually.
Integrated Wastewater Treatment for Agro process Water in Uganda Under development Waste There is a high national priority to address the problem of poorly or untreated treated wastewater discharge in urban areas given the extent of pollution, especially in Lake Victoria basin. The NAMA will assist in reducing pollution loads from agro-processing factories on surface water systems, especially the Lake Victoria basin.
Waste management NAMA Under development Waste The NAMA aims to introduce new alternatives the ongoing practices of waste treatment, currently based primarily on landfills.
Solar Water Pumping in Jordan Valley Under development Energy Renewable energy (solar) The objective is to switch from individual diesel and electrical pumps for irrigation to solar pumping in Jordan Valley. Also, this NAMA aims to promote efficient water use.
Waste Sector NAMA in Pakistan Under development Waste The overall objective is the reduction of emissions from solid and liquid wastes from the urban cities. With this NAMA, Pakistan wants to development a programme to promote alternative use of waste, specifically for energy production. The scope of the programme will include different forms of energy and technologies.
Ethiopian Railways Railway Academy NAMA Under development Transport Rail cargo Through this NAMA, the Ethiopian Railway Company (ERC) is seeking support for the preparation of feasibility study for the Construction of the Academy; procurement of interior and lab equipment, formulation of curricula and the formulation of an academy business plan.
E-mobility readiness plan Under development Transport The E-mobility Readiness Plan is designed to promote the introduction of grid-enabled electric vehicles in Chile on a large scale, leading to a target of 70,000 electric vehicles by the year 2020. The plan foresees the implementation of a set of activities to target barriers and provide incentives to achieve the overall target.
Small and Medium Business (SME) NAMA Under development Energy Energy efficiency The objective of the NAMA is to improve energy efficiency in SMEs as a contribution to a Low Carbon economy.
Energy Efficiency Measures in City Hall/DPRD DKI Jakarta Office Under development Buildings
This NAMA project focuses on an effort of Government of DKI Jakarta to implement energy efficiency measures in a new office building, City Hall /DPRD DKI Jakarta, in order to achieve Green Building criteria.
NAMA for Access to clean energy Under development Energy Renewable energy (unspecified) the two main objectives of the NAMA are (1) Enable private sector participation in the manufacturing and distribution of the clean energy technologies and (2) Create an enabling market environment that encourages the distribution of clean energy technologies to end-users, supported by an appropriate financing model.
Electricity Generation from Solar Energy Sources Under development Energy Renewable energy (solar) To help the government achieve a target of 10% renewable energy in the primary energy needs of the country by 2020, save fuel and reduce emissions
Low Carbon Buildings in Georgia Under development Buildings The NAMA is aimed at long term transformation of building energy efficiency with a first focus on building readiness to create the necessary regulatory structures to support the nationwide adoption of deep energy efficient refurbishment and rehabilitation of the existing building stock.
Rural household energy Under development Energy Renewable energy (unspecified) The NAMA focuses on providing energy access to people living in rural Kenya, while at the same time creating and building momentum for a market for clean energy technologies.
Bioenergy NAMA Under development Energy Renewable energy (biomass) The objective of the NAMA is to develop a mode for the strategic management of bioenergy in Peru.
Introduction of metering system and billing on the basis of measured consumption in district heating systems in Serbia Under development Buildings Energy efficiency Enhance energy efficiency in households and commercial sector by installing adequate metering systems for district heat
"Côte d'Ivoire" is not in the list of possible values (Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Dem. Republic Congo, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea (North), Korea (South), Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, FYR Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Federated States of Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome & Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste (East Timor), Togo, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Supranational, Palestine) for this property.
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