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    Energy Efficiency NAMA in the Garment Industry in Cambodia

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    Sector Industry
    Focus area Energy efficiency
    Type of action Strategy/Policy
    Scope Not known
    Stage Under development
    Submitted to UNFCCC registry No
    Start of initiative 2015
    Financing and support details
    Financing status Not known
    Total cost US$ 29.7 mln
    Financing requested
    (no data)
    Financing received to-date
    (no data)
    Principal source of financing Not known
    Principal type of financing Not known
    Capacity building required Yes
    Technology transfer required Yes
    Additional information
    Proponent(s) Ministry of Industry & Handicraft, UNDP
    International funder(s)
    (no data)
    Organization providing technical support CCDE Engineering Consulting
    (no data)

    The overall objective of the NAMA is to support Cambodia´s energy efficiency policy and to improve efficiency in the industrial sector and to build capacity in the field of energy efficiency. The introduction of efficient sewing, washing, drying machines and compressors will improve energy efficiency in motor driven systems and will decrease GHG emissions by reducing the use of electricity.

    Activities: (2016 - 2021)
    The outcomes of this NAMA with regards to Sustainable Development and GHG Emission Reductions are strongly interrelated building blocks as a pathway of a change framework that shall ensure that the NAMA is fully embedded in national development goals.

    The three main areas of focus are:

    • Efficient Biomass Boiler Systems
    • Sewing, Washing and Drying Machines, and Compressors
    • Lighting Applications

    The NAMA is being developed by the Ministry of Industry & Handicraft of Cambodia with support of UNDP.

    Impact and MRV

    No Data Available.png
    Cumulative GHG reductions: No data available
    Mitigative capacity:

    No information has been provided on mitigative capacity


    Social: A better and more efficient combustion process, resulting from use of efficient biomass boilers will reduce the air pollutant impact and reduce the negative effect on human health.
    Economic: The installation and operation of energy efficient equipment and boiler systems will potentially increase productivity and reduce the consumed energy costs / output. The associated energy savings will reduce expenditure and increase the funds available for new investments.

    Investment in new energy efficient equipment and boiler systems will promote technology transfer, disseminate environmentally sound technology and stimulate new investment.

    Environmental: The installation and operation of efficient biomass boilers will decrease emissions by reducing the use of non-renewable biomass in thermal applications, thus improving air quality.

    MRV Framework:
    No MRV plan has been defined


    In total international public finance will cover approximately US$6,600,000. National public finance will cover US$ 300,000. US$22,800,000 will be borne by the garment company owners (national private finance). Expected emission reductions from all three interventions according to the MRV framework are approximately 120,000 tonnes of CO2e in the years 2016-2021.
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