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    Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions




    The information presented in the NAMA database is collected from publically available information on NAMAs and NAMA related activities. It does not represent official submissions and may not reflect the priorities of the country government.

      Stage Sector name Sub-sector Objective
    Energy Efficiency NAMA in the Garment Industry in Cambodia Under development Industry Energy efficiency The overall objective of the NAMA is to support Cambodia´s energy efficiency policy and to improve efficiency in the industrial sector and to build capacity in the field of energy efficiency. The introduction of efficient sewing, washing, drying machines and compressors will improve energy efficiency in motor driven systems and will decrease GHG emissions by reducing the use of electricity.
    Sustainable charcoal NAMA Under development Forestry
    Renewable energy (biomass)
    Forest management
    The objective of the NAMA is to leverage private sector investment in sustainable charcoal production and solid biomass fuels, support forest restoration, and support the conversion of existing producers to sustainable practices


    Start of initiatives
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