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South Africa.png
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South Africa



Sector Energy supply
Focus area Renewable energy (unspecified)
Type of NAMAs Supported (with unilateral elements)
Type of action Policy/Program
Scope National
Stage Implementation
Submitted to UNFCCC registry No
Start of initiative 2004
Financing details
Financing status Seeking financing
Total cost 8450 mln
Financing requested
(no data)
Financing received to-date
(no data)
Principal source of financing Bilateral
Principal type of financing Other
Additional information
Proponent(s) Government of South Africa
International funder(s) Denmark, Germany, Norway, the UK, European Investment Bank, World Bank
Organization providing technical support
(no data)
(no data)


The South African Renewables Initiative aims to mobilise domestic and international funding, and sector expertise, to support South Africa to scale-up renewable energy.

Activities: (2012 - 2030)
The following activities will be undertaken:

  • Integrated energy planning with an ambitious plan for renewables.
  • Support renewable energy as part of a policy for industrial growth.
  • Developing a framework for independent power producers.
  • Developing a strategy for affordability.
  • Grid infrastructure and development.
  • Ensuring viable procurement agreements and terms.
  • Increasing the historically low electricity tariff.
  • Ensuring a fair market.
  • Providing policy-enabled financing.

Type of support needed:

  • Financial support
  • Technology transfer
  • Capacity building

Impact and MRV

No Data Available.png
Cumulative GHG reductions: 575 MtCO2e

Mitigative capacity:

No information has been provided on mitigative capacity


Social: Positive health effects associated with the displacement of coal by renewables.
Economic: There will be economic benefits from the localisation of parts of the global value chain of renewables, notably manufacturing, construction, operations and servicing and and research and product development. It is estimated that 35,000 - 40,000 jobs could be created at peak.

There will also be energy security benefits from the additional reserve of capacity from renewables generation.

There may be negative localised economic impacts from the competition for and and water resources with farmers, households and amenity users which will have to be addressed. There should be safeguards in place and measures to ensure that local communities benefit from the rollout of renewables projects.

Environmental: Reduction in atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gases.

MRV Framework:
No MRV plan has been defined



South African Renewables Initiative (SARI)

From NAMA Database
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South Africa.png
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South Africa



Sector Energy supply
Focus area Renewable energy (unspecified)
Type of NAMAs Supported (with unilateral elements)
Type of action Policy/Program
Scope National
Stage Implementation
Submitted to UNFCCC registry No
Start of initiative 2004
Financing details
Financing status Seeking financing
Total cost 8450 mln
Financing requested
(no data)
Financing received to-date
(no data)
Principal source of financing Bilateral
Principal type of financing Other
Additional information
Proponent(s) Government of South Africa
International funder(s) Denmark, Germany, Norway, the UK, European Investment Bank, World Bank
Organization providing technical support
(no data)
(no data)


The South African Renewables Initiative aims to mobilise domestic and international funding, and sector expertise, to support South Africa to scale-up renewable energy.

Activities: (2012 - 2030)
The following activities will be undertaken:

  • Integrated energy planning with an ambitious plan for renewables.
  • Support renewable energy as part of a policy for industrial growth.
  • Developing a framework for independent power producers.
  • Developing a strategy for affordability.
  • Grid infrastructure and development.
  • Ensuring viable procurement agreements and terms.
  • Increasing the historically low electricity tariff.
  • Ensuring a fair market.
  • Providing policy-enabled financing.

Type of support needed:

  • Financial support
  • Technology transfer
  • Capacity building

Impact and MRV

No Data Available.png
Cumulative GHG reductions: 575 MtCO2e

Mitigative capacity:

No information has been provided on mitigative capacity


Social: Positive health effects associated with the displacement of coal by renewables.
Economic: There will be economic benefits from the localisation of parts of the global value chain of renewables, notably manufacturing, construction, operations and servicing and and research and product development. It is estimated that 35,000 - 40,000 jobs could be created at peak.

There will also be energy security benefits from the additional reserve of capacity from renewables generation.

There may be negative localised economic impacts from the competition for and and water resources with farmers, households and amenity users which will have to be addressed. There should be safeguards in place and measures to ensure that local communities benefit from the rollout of renewables projects.

Environmental: Reduction in atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gases.

MRV Framework:
No MRV plan has been defined
