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Dominican Republic



Sector Industry
Focus area Energy efficiency
Type of NAMAs Supported (with unilateral elements)
Type of action Not known
Scope National
Stage Concept
Submitted to UNFCCC registry Yes
Start of initiative 2013
Financing details
Financing status Not known
Total cost
(no data)
Financing requested 4.5 mln
Financing received to-date
(no data)
Principal source of financing Not known
Principal type of financing Grant
Additional information
Proponent(s) National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism
International funder(s)
(no data)
Organization providing technical support
(no data)
Contact Mr. Omar Ramírez, Av. Winston Churchill, No. 77, Edificio GRUCOMSA, 5TO Nivel. Ens. Piantini. Distrito Nacional, Santo Domingo


Enable the use of waste for co-processing in the cement sector to improve waste disposal and reduce emissions from cement production.

Activities: (2013 - 2019)
1. Capacity building so that the National Council for Climate Change and CDM (NCC&CDM) as the implementing government entity and other relevant government institutions possess comprehensive knowledge of the relevant planning, financing, monitoring (MRV) and communication mechanisms and are enabled to monitor the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the waste management and cement production sectors and to steer NAMAs in these sectors, including the evaluation of financial and technical and environ‐mental aspects, according to international standards.

2. Establish a legal framework and administrative procedure for co‐processing waste materials that follow international standards through an inter‐institutional platform for dialogue between actors of the public and private sectors as well as further relevant stakeholders.

3. Develop and disseminate models for an inclusive supply chain of alternative fuel and raw material (AFR) from municipal and industrial wastes to co‐processing in the cement production in the country and the region.The use of waste as AFR causes a significant contribution to the reduction of a major environmental problem in the Dominican Republic: waste pollution of the island, shoreline and the sea due to a lack of a comprehensive waste management system besides the mitigation of GHG. Further benefits of the project are a higher political and financial autonomy from fossil fuel imports, improvement of quality of life for people who live and work close to waste dumps, strengthened public institutions and improved cooperation with the private sector.

Type of support needed:

  • Financial support
  • Capacity building

Impact and MRV


Cumulative GHG reductions: No data available

Mitigative capacity:

No information has been provided on mitigative capacity


Social: * Decrease health impacts from waste
Economic: * Cost advantages for waste disposal and supply of fuels
Environmental: * Decrease pollution

MRV Framework:
No MRV plan has been defined


Submitted to the UNFCCC prototype registry as seeking support for implementation

NAMAs in Cement/Co‐Processing and Waste Sector

From NAMA Database
Revision as of 11:10, 11 September 2013 by H.Fekete (Talk | contribs)

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Dominican Republic.png
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Dominican Republic



Sector Industry
Focus area Energy efficiency
Type of NAMAs Supported (with unilateral elements)
Type of action Not known
Scope National
Stage Concept
Submitted to UNFCCC registry Yes
Start of initiative 2013
Financing details
Financing status Not known
Total cost
(no data)
Financing requested 4.5 mln
Financing received to-date
(no data)
Principal source of financing Not known
Principal type of financing Grant
Additional information
Proponent(s) National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism
International funder(s)
(no data)
Organization providing technical support
(no data)
Contact Mr. Omar Ramírez, Av. Winston Churchill, No. 77, Edificio GRUCOMSA, 5TO Nivel. Ens. Piantini. Distrito Nacional, Santo Domingo


Enable the use of waste for co-processing in the cement sector to improve waste disposal and reduce emissions from cement production.

Activities: (2013 - 2019)
1. Capacity building so that the National Council for Climate Change and CDM (NCC&CDM) as the implementing government entity and other relevant government institutions possess comprehensive knowledge of the relevant planning, financing, monitoring (MRV) and communication mechanisms and are enabled to monitor the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the waste management and cement production sectors and to steer NAMAs in these sectors, including the evaluation of financial and technical and environ‐mental aspects, according to international standards.

2. Establish a legal framework and administrative procedure for co‐processing waste materials that follow international standards through an inter‐institutional platform for dialogue between actors of the public and private sectors as well as further relevant stakeholders.

3. Develop and disseminate models for an inclusive supply chain of alternative fuel and raw material (AFR) from municipal and industrial wastes to co‐processing in the cement production in the country and the region.The use of waste as AFR causes a significant contribution to the reduction of a major environmental problem in the Dominican Republic: waste pollution of the island, shoreline and the sea due to a lack of a comprehensive waste management system besides the mitigation of GHG. Further benefits of the project are a higher political and financial autonomy from fossil fuel imports, improvement of quality of life for people who live and work close to waste dumps, strengthened public institutions and improved cooperation with the private sector.

Type of support needed:

  • Financial support
  • Capacity building

Impact and MRV


Cumulative GHG reductions: No data available

Mitigative capacity:

No information has been provided on mitigative capacity


Social: * Decrease health impacts from waste
Economic: * Cost advantages for waste disposal and supply of fuels
Environmental: * Decrease pollution

MRV Framework:
No MRV plan has been defined


Submitted to the UNFCCC prototype registry as seeking support for implementation