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Sector Buildings
Focus area
(no data)
Type of NAMAs Supported (with unilateral elements)
Type of action Strategy/Plan
Scope National
Stage Concept
Submitted to UNFCCC registry No
Start of initiative 2012
Financing details
Financing status Not known
Total cost
(no data)
Financing requested
(no data)
Financing received to-date
(no data)
Principal source of financing Not known
Principal type of financing Not known
Additional information
Proponent(s) Comisión Nacional de Vivienda (CO NAVI)
International funder(s) World Bank
Organization providing technical support Semarnat
(no data)


To achieve nation-wide emissions reductions through deployment of sustainable houses, solid waste, water, sewage and public lighting infrastructure funded partly through the development of carbon credits.

In general terms, the NAMA coordinates actions between public and private stakeholders to create technical, regulatory and financial frameworks for the deployment of efficient and low GHG emitting urban spaces.

More concrete elements of the NAMA are:

  • Provide soft loans loans for investments in energy efficiency
  • Create standards and technology packages
  • Capacity building for technical personal to facilitate installation, operation and maintenance of low carbon technologies
  • Certification of personnel to verify construction process and emission data

Type of support needed:

  • Unknown

Impact and MRV

No Data Available.png
Cumulative GHG reductions: No data available

Mitigative capacity:

No information has been provided on mitigative capacity


Social: Improved quality of services for low-income Mexicans, health & economic benefits
Economic: Eliminating the energy impact of buildings, reduced time & money needed for transport, lower cost of power and municipal services, development of domestic industries
Environmental: Information has not been provided

MRV Framework:
No MRV plan has been defined


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NAMA in the urban residential sector

From NAMA Database
Revision as of 09:08, 19 September 2013 by H.Fekete (Talk | contribs)

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Sector Buildings
Focus area
(no data)
Type of NAMAs Supported (with unilateral elements)
Type of action Strategy/Plan
Scope National
Stage Concept
Submitted to UNFCCC registry No
Start of initiative 2012
Financing details
Financing status Not known
Total cost
(no data)
Financing requested
(no data)
Financing received to-date
(no data)
Principal source of financing Not known
Principal type of financing Not known
Additional information
Proponent(s) Comisión Nacional de Vivienda (CO NAVI)
International funder(s) World Bank
Organization providing technical support Semarnat
(no data)


To achieve nation-wide emissions reductions through deployment of sustainable houses, solid waste, water, sewage and public lighting infrastructure funded partly through the development of carbon credits.

In general terms, the NAMA coordinates actions between public and private stakeholders to create technical, regulatory and financial frameworks for the deployment of efficient and low GHG emitting urban spaces.

More concrete elements of the NAMA are:

  • Provide soft loans loans for investments in energy efficiency
  • Create standards and technology packages
  • Capacity building for technical personal to facilitate installation, operation and maintenance of low carbon technologies
  • Certification of personnel to verify construction process and emission data

Type of support needed:

  • Unknown

Impact and MRV

No Data Available.png
Cumulative GHG reductions: No data available

Mitigative capacity:

No information has been provided on mitigative capacity


Social: Improved quality of services for low-income Mexicans, health & economic benefits
Economic: Eliminating the energy impact of buildings, reduced time & money needed for transport, lower cost of power and municipal services, development of domestic industries
Environmental: Information has not been provided

MRV Framework:
No MRV plan has been defined
