
    Productive and Technological Reconversion of Colombia's Panela Sector

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    Sector Agriculture
    Focus area Crops (incl. NO2 from fertilizer use)
    Type of action Strategy/Policy
    Scope National
    Stage Under development
    Submitted to UNFCCC registry Yes
    Start of initiative
    (no data)
    Financing and support details
    Financing status Seeking financing
    Total cost US$ 167 mln
    Financing requested US$ 0.2 mln
    Financing received to-date
    (no data)
    Principal source of financing Not known
    Principal type of financing Not known
    Capacity building required Yes
    Technology transfer required Yes
    Additional information
    Proponent(s) Federación Nacional de Productores de Panela FEDEPANELA (National Association of Panela Producers), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
    International funder(s)
    (no data)
    Organization providing technical support UNDB LECB Programme
    Contact Carlos Fernando Mayorga Morales

    The NAMA seeks to implement strategies towards GHG and pollutant reduction across the Panela sector, focusing on three main technology areas: crop processes, mills technological upgrading and use of sub-products.

    Colombia is the second largest producer of panela in the world, and panela is the second largest agroindustry after coffee in Colombia. The sector provides employment to 350,000 families in 70,000 farms and 22,000 panela mills – making it the main source of job generation in rural areas in Colombia. However, there is significant opportunity to increase the competitiveness of the sector by reducing energy use whilst reducing its environmental impact.

    The general objectives are:

    1. Productive transformation of crop processes

    • Plant resettlement and soil renewal through production intensification, increasing vegetation cover, reducing soil instability and increasing uptake of CO2.
    • Efficient use of nitrogen fertilizers
    • Planned crop burning prevention
    • Establishment of native binders’ fields
    • Dendroenergy development based on native forests

    2. Mills technological upgrading

    • Implement Thermal recirculation processes
    • Bagasse feeders’ implementation to eliminate residence time and methane emissions
    • Replacing internal combustion engines with electric ones
    • Wastewater treatment implementation for crop irrigation systems

    3. Use of sub-products

    • Residual biomass from harvesting process as an energy source for mill stoves
    • Residual biomass for animal feed, agricultural production (mushrooms) and/or animal production (pigs bed).

    Impact and MRV

    No Data Available.png
    Cumulative GHG reductions: 0.416 MtCO2e
    Mitigative capacity:

    No information has been provided on mitigative capacity


    Social: * improved health conditions
    • better hygienic conditions of the farm due to the reduction of the bagasse
    Economic: * increased profitability of agricultural smallholdings
    • cost production reduction
    Environmental: * reduced flood risks
    • reduced deforestation

    MRV Framework:
    No MRV plan has been defined

    The estimate cost for finishing the NAMA design is $USD200,000 and includes the development of studies to implement GHG from crop processes, full GHG baseline and projected emissions scenarios, the MRV plan and the design of detailed activities for each region prioritized by the project.