
    Sustainable Charcoal Value Chain In Ghana

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    Sector Energy
    Focus area
    (no data)
    Type of action Strategy/Policy
    Scope National
    Stage Feasibility study
    Submitted to UNFCCC registry No
    Start of initiative 2015
    Financing and support details
    Financing status Seeking financing
    Total cost
    (no data)
    Financing requested
    (no data)
    Financing received to-date
    (no data)
    Principal source of financing Not known
    Principal type of financing Not known
    Capacity building required Yes
    Technology transfer required Yes
    Additional information
    Proponent(s) Ministry of Energy and Petroleum (MoE)
    International funder(s) UNDP MDG Carbon
    Organization providing technical support
    (no data)
    (no data)

    The objective of the NAMA is to improve the sustainability of the charcoal value chain.

    As part of its developmental aspiration, Ghana seeks to make “modern cooking fuels” (e.g. cooking gas) accessible to its people. Ghana recognizes the need to tackle its charcoal challenge and has prioritized efficient cookstoves as one of the five sectors for NAMA development.

    A NAMA study has been carried out by MDG Carbon to guide Ghana to develop NAMAs along the charcoal value chain, i.e. forest management, production, trade and final consumption. This study aims to view the charcoal value chain holistically and to provide an overview of the country-specific conditions and actions required under a “Sustainable Charcoal NAMA”. It proposes improvements that must be made in the formalization of the sector through establishment of a Charcoal Unit, a Charcoal Fund, co-operatives, eco-labelling and awareness creation that can allow government programmes to reach out and encourage private sector participation.

    Impact and MRV

    No Data Available.png
    Cumulative GHG reductions: No data available
    Mitigative capacity:

    No information has been provided on mitigative capacity


    Social: * improved healthcare
    • improved education
    • better drinking water
    • improved sanitation
    Economic: * job creation
    • private sector participation
    • lower costs of production
    Environmental: Information has not been provided

    MRV Framework:
    No MRV plan has been defined
