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    Low-carbon end-use sectors in Azerbaijan

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    Sector Buildings, Transport, Energy
    Focus area
    (no data)
    Type of action Strategy/Policy
    Scope National
    Stage Implementation
    Submitted to UNFCCC registry Yes
    Start of initiative
    (no data)
    Financing and support details
    Financing status Seeking financing
    Total cost
    (no data)
    Financing requested
    (no data)
    Financing received to-date US$ 3.6 mln
    Principal source of financing Multilateral
    Principal type of financing Grant
    Capacity building required Yes
    Technology transfer required Yes
    Additional information
    Proponent(s) UNDP, SOCAR, (national oil company of Azerbaijan), GEF
    International funder(s) GEF
    Organization providing technical support UNDP
    Contact Marina Olshanskaya (UNDP)


    The specific objective of the project is to support SOCAR in the development and implementation of selected programmatic NAMAs in the low-carbon end-use sectors, where pilot investments will be directed into low energy and low carbon technologies that are so far missing on a large scale on the Azeri market.

    Activities: (2014 - 2019)
    The project has been organised around four outcomes and will be implemented over a period of five years.

    ■Outcome 1: Assessment of GHG emission mitigation potentials and voluntary target setting; ■Outcome 2: Design & establishment of NAMAs in oil & gas end-use sectors; ■Outcome 3: Implementation of a set of (up to 3) project NAMAs in the oil & gas end-use sector; ■Outcome 4: Monitoring, Reporting & Verification system and national registry for mitigation actions in the energy generation and end-use sectors to be set up.

    Impact and MRV

    No Data Available.png
    Cumulative GHG reductions: No data available
    Mitigative capacity:

    The proposed project is set within the country’s ambitions to reduce GHG emissions and energy intensity of major energy end-use sectors in Azerbaijan and simultaneously introduce innovative energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in main energy end-use sectors such as buildings and transportation systems."The proposed project is set within the country’s ambitions to reduce GHG emissions and energy intensity of major energy end-use sectors in Azerbaijan and simultaneously introduce innovative energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in main energy end-use sectors such as buildings and transportation systems." cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.


    Social: Information has not been provided
    Economic: Information has not been provided
    Environmental: Information has not been provided

    MRV Framework:
    No MRV plan has been defined


    The GEF has approved a grant of 3.570M$. UNDP is contributing to 0.1M$.
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